Tuesday, September 8, 2009

So I used to have a hardcopy life journal and I used it for a few weeks every day and I really enjoyed it and it really helped me to be closer to Christ. I then got really busy and distracted and didn't have the time to use it, and my relationship with Christ kinda fell by the wayside. I've recently just gotten back from an amazing three day experience called Chrysalis and I know in my heart that I need to get back on the right track with God. Therefore, I have decided to start an online life journal and I am really going to work hard on keeping up with it diligently EVERYDAY!! I have an accountability partner now, God has blessed me with her and I am soo glad that she is part of my life, and I hope that together we can hold each other up and remain strong in Christ! I just wanted to take a minute to explain this whole blog thing before I officially started, but I will post the first of many SOAP entries later today!

Under His wing--dwelling in the arm pit,

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