Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ezekiel 31-33

Scripture: Ezek 33:11 Tell them, "As sure as I am the living God, I take no pleasure from the death of the wicked. I want the wicked to change their ways and live. Turn your life around! Reverse your evil ways! Why die, Israel?'"

Observation: I had a lot of issues reading these chapters because God sounds so angry! It talks a lot about war and bringing proud countries down...I know that is God and when he's angry he is angry for a reason, but I just wasn't feeling it today. Maybe another time. The verse that really stuck in my head as I read was Ezek 33:11 because is shows that God loves each and everyone of us and he doesn't want us to perish. God created us to love us and to have us love him...not to destroy us! He doesn't want to punish us, but when we don't follow his laws he has to. It's like parenting...if the parent is too lenient the child takes over and doesn't learn how to be a responsible mature adult...if God was too lenient we would never learn how to be mature Christians.

Application: I'm going to turn my life around. That's why I started this journal. It's never too late for the wicked to repent and to begin living righteous lives. This is where it starts. It's going to be hard, and I'm more prepared for that than I ever was before. I have backup this time...support and someone to hold me accountable...and above all I have God. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Father God,
I have a lot to pray for. I am soo blessed and soo thankful for all that you do for me Lord! You have brought people into my life and they are amazing! They're like lighthouses that you have set out to keep me from crashing and burning. You're looking out for me--your on my side! How did I ever forget that? You are a mighty and wonderful God who wants to save us! You want us to love you, and I so do! Thank you for the amazing Chrysalis experience that I just had, and for opening my eyes to the wonderful things that you have been doing for me all along!
Lord, I have a few things to ask for. I want to lift many people up to you tonight, and I pray for each of them and their needs. I ask that you bless all the new butterflies and the Chrysalis team. I ask that you refill them, they're all so worn out from their powerful experience. Keep their fire burning, keep the ember in the fire. Lord I specifically want to lift up Kiley & Brandon. I ask that you bless their relationship and keep them both strong. I also ask blessings on Jeni and Staci; Lord if it is Staci's time to attend Chrysalis and experience you in that way, I ask that you open the doors to her and help Jeni be strong and act as a wonderful sponsor. I want to pray for my cousin Shawna as well, she's had a rough week or so and I just pray that you keep her going. I know she has fallen away from you God, and I just ask that you use me to pull her back into a relationship with you. I love her so much, and seeing her unhappy hurts me...I want her to be fulfilled by you. I also ask that you help Luis find a job where he can shine your light to the world. He is a really awesom kid, and I know you're going to use him well!! Above all Lord, I want to pray for Emma and her health. She's stuggling, and she needs you now more than ever. Cover her with your feathers Lord--hold her under you wing and protect her. I pray that she knows you've got her back, and that you will never ever leave her side.
Lord I ask also for my own needs, you know better that I do what they are. I pray that you clean me and use me--here I am, take me and mold me. I'm giving it all to you, and I know you've got my best interest at heart. I'm wholly yours!
I ask these things in the name of my awesome and living savior Jesus Christ, your son!

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