Thursday, September 17, 2009


So I've been busy...not a good excuse, but it's really the only one I can come up with for why I haven't been writing. I wrote a poem today though, which was inspired by the feathery find I made on my way to Irving today, and I wanted to post it up here. It doesn't have a name yet so if you can think of one let me know! I also wanted to share some prayer requests and what not =)

I will cover you with my feathers
He said to me one day
Under my wings you will find refuge⎯
a safe place for you to stay

I'll send feathers down to guide you
a sign to lead the way
you'll find them when you need to
listen to what I have to say

I'll place them on the sidewalk
in the grass, or in your hair
sometimes you won't find any
but know I'm always there

You'll find them when you need to
reminders along the way
telling you I LOVE YOU
even though you often stray

If you ever need protection
my wings will be your shield
they'll stand the stormy weather
no matter what⎯they'll never yield

Because He is my help
I'll sing beneath His wings
He's forever here to LOVE me
whatever this life brings.

I listen when He speaks
His comfort I will seek
His feathers guide my way
even though the darkest day

-Emma and her treatment/tests/everything
-money issues
-possibly joining a sorority
-Kiley and her needs and praise for passing her test =)
-the other butterflies, it's not over yet, it's just beginning!
-mom and sister
-legal issues being resolved--huge joy!
-possibly getting a tattoo--the pics will be attached...I'm excited!!
(footnote on pics- definitely want the compass rose and at least one feather...not sure which one or if I want both...suggestions??)



  1. Hey Yina,

    I absolutely loooove that poem! It calms me..quite a bit :) I think you should, definitely and for sure, get the last feather! It's soo pretty. I hope your monday has been blessed! Love you lots and lots!

  2. that was the feather i picked finally lol

    IDK when i'm getting it...but that's it =)

