Friday, September 11, 2009


So I'm going home in like half an hour so I thought I should at least write something before I leave. I am really frustrated with school right now...everything is just going wrong, and I don't have the patience or motivation to deal with anything academic.

Today I went to drop off my add/drop sheet in the Business Office so they could sign off on it and finalize my schedule. They wouldn't do it because I owe SC $17,000 because my financial aid has yet to be approved by the college. Thanks for telling me this a week ago when I could have done something about it and not been're awesome SC.

I definitely need to work on my's something I've always struggled with, but I've noticed a lot more lately that it's getting out of control. I freak out about the littlest things and I really need to simmer down.

I went to Immersion at the Lutheran Church of Hope in West Des Moines yesterday with Charity and her friend Ben, and I really enjoyed it...I think I'm going to be making regular appearances from now on..also since I'm going to be home this weekend, I'm thinking about making a jog over to Ankeny on Sunday morning =)

Other than that I don't really have much to talk about...I will after this weekend probably...hopefully good things!
<3 Paully

1 comment:

  1. Hey Yina,

    Ugh that sounds so frustrating! Financial aid offices suck! I am hoping you get everything figured out soon and very soon! Have a great weekend at home. See you tomorrow love:)
