Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Ok so there's been A LOT going on lately and I haven't really written about anything so here goes:

a) My mom's friend Harry (who is the closest thing to a "dad" that I have) had a serious stroke on Saturday night. His girlfriend, Tammy, found him on the kitchen floor after he had been there for at least 2 hours. He was life-flighted to Mercy in DSM and has been there since. As of yesterday, they moved him out of the ICU into a more permanent room. This has been so hard for me, I'm trying to be strong and help everyone, but it kills me to see him lying there in that bed. I have never been more scared than I was on Saturday night as we drove to the hospital at 3am. I just pray that he will make a speedy and full recovery. The doctors don't think he will ever be able to move his left arm again, but I have faith that he will be ok and will recover in miraculous ways.

b) On a lighter note, I'm joining a sorority =) I went to informal recruitment for Kappa Kappa Gamma last week, and got a bid on Thursday night. I accepted and will pledge next week, move into the house hopefully soon, and initiate in early November (I think). I was really nervous going into this, but now I am soo excited! I broke the news to my grandma on Saturday about the financial obligations, which we're less of an issue than I thought...possibly because I think she thought I was going to tell her I was pregnant or something else really bad, so when I told her I was joining KKG she was relieved...and I can't wait to move in!

c) I've been having some minor roommate issues, and that definitely has a lot to do with my excitement to move out of the dorms and into KKG...I just hope that I can be patient and deal with these issues in a respectful and Christ-like way...basically I pray that I won't freak out on her lol

d) I've kinda been flirting with this boy....idk where it's going...idk if I want it to go anywhere...I'm majorly confused. He's a really great guy, he's a Christian, he makes me smile, I really like him...BUT...he's a long way away, and I don't really know him all that well so it's hard for me to make a genuine opinion of him. I'm really torn here!! Gah! I pray that I'll figure out what God wants me to do here...I'd really like a roadmap sometimes =)

I think that's it....maybe...if not I'll be back later!

P.S. I'm really scared I'm going to get H1N1! Pray for safety and health for everyone!
<3 Paullina


  1. me too lol the first on was fom Harry's birthday about a month ago =) I love it!!

    I also love the baby kissing the pig...if you look close, there is some definite tongue action lol it's kinda gross but adorable at the same time <3
